Fall is a Time of Change

Fall is a Time of Change


Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the long shadows the warm fall sun creates along with the crispness to the air. The bright fall colors bring so much beauty signifying change is here. Change is the one thing we can all depend on. Our world and lives are always in flux. Things are always changing.

I believe change is an opportunity and often opens the door to new energy, perspectives, and growth. I am looking forward to successfully collaborating with our Pet Haven Board, a dedicated group of volunteers gifting their time to ensure the success of Pet Haven. Together, all of us, you, me, and the Board will support Pet Haven to shine brighter than it has ever before!

Some fun facts: 

696 Minnesota Pets have come into Pet Haven foster care this year!

729 Pet Haven Foster Pets have found adoptive families this year!

We currently have 224 pets in our care and room for more! Intake is open and we are receiving.

Our surgical suite is a huge success and will support Pet Havens's future sustainability. A HUGE thanks to Dr Roni and Katie for driving this incredible opportunity forward for Pet Haven.

They have performed a myriad of surgeries! Not just spay and neuter but also amputations, eye removals, and tumor removal just to name a few. Pet Haven is incredibly lucky to have the support of this awesome surgical team!

Pet Haven has averaged $30,000 a month in medical bills from 2022 forward. Animal medical care costs have skyrocketed, yet we started to see these costs drop in June when the surgical suite opened. In August our animal care costs dropped to under $17,000!

With some animal medical costs increasing as much as 70% over last year, shifting to in-house care is key to Pet Haven’s sustainability.

Supporting sustainable growth is our mission and vision!

Kerry D'Amato - Pet Haven Executive Director