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Shoe Drive Benefiting Pet Haven
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Shoe Drive Benefiting Pet Haven
March 12
May 12
Weekend Whiskers! Adoptable Cat Meet & Greet
Weekend Wags! Adoptable Dog Meet and Greet!
Have you been looking at a closet full of shoes that you haven't worn in years? Now is the time to get your spring cleaning on! Don't want to part with any of your own shoes? Head to your local Buy Nothing group, Nextdoor, or garage sales and ask if people would like to donate their shoes!
We have partnered with an organization called Funds2Orgs and they came up with a way to double their impact.
What do we mean by that?
At the end of our shoe drive, they will collect all the donated shoes we have received and, in turn, give us funds. These funds will go directly back into our animal care so we can continue saving the lives of cats and dogs in need.
Every bag of 25 shoes is like a $15 - $20 donation to Pet Haven! This is huge! YOU are helping to save the lives of cats and dogs in Minnesota just by cleaning out your closet!
But it doesn’t stop there.
Funds2Orgs partners with over 4,000 micro-enterprises, with the majority of them being women-owned.
Per the Funds2Org website, “Micro-enterprises are small businesses, generally owned and operated by families of 1-2 people. These businesses sell the shoes in their communities, which promotes commerce opportunities and leads to economic sustainability. The micro-enterprise industry represents one of the most effective ways to lift many families out of poverty in devastated economies. Most people do not know that 70% of the global population uses repurposed shoes and clothing; that’s over 5 billion people! The shoes you collect serve as a philanthropic bridge to give people a hand-up, rather than just a hand-out.”
Truly all around amazing things happening here! It’s not JUST a shoe drive!
You are making a difference.
From MARCH 12th - MAY 12th, we're collecting gently worn, used, and new shoes that will be shipped worldwide and given a second life!
There are a couple ways to get your shoes to us!
Drop at our office anytime during open hours!
W 11a - 5:30p
TH 3p - 7p
FR 11a - 5:30p
SA 10a - 2p
[505 West Minnehaha Ave, St. Paul, MN 55103]
Can't make it during open hours? We will have a labeled bin next to our front door for SHOE donations ONLY.
OR start a drop location in your community or at your business and we will come pick them up!
[Email Brittany at]
This is such a cool way to give back without even opening your wallet!
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