Breaking Records and Bridging the Gap!

Breaking Records and Bridging the Gap!

Fostering Love, Creating Family, and Saving Lives is what we do at Pet Haven every day. This work matters! We continue to grow and wrap our arms around a larger community. It's incredibly exciting!

April was a record-breaking month with 118 pets finding their way into Pet Haven foster care. Huge kudos to the intake team for the work they do that truly saves lives and puts them on a path to a family of their own! Additionally, we were just short of 100 adoptions! 98 pets found families in April. Our adoption teams are amazing, processing adoptions quickly and supporting adopters and fosters in finding the perfect match. And thank you to our fosters for taking the time and care to make the best match. 

Pets impact our lives for the better and together we are truly making a difference in the lives of these sweet souls we rescue. We are also bringing joy and creating a community around these pets we rescue and create families with. We must remember the work we do matters. The work we do is important and has ripple effects far beyond just this “one pet.” This is work that must continue and the health and sustainability of Pet Haven is incredibly important.

The Pet Haven Board of Directors and Executive Director are working together to ensure the organization continues to save and change lives for another 72 years!

As part of our commitment to our rescued pets and their health, along with the financial health of the organization, we are excited to announce we have hired a wellness veterinarian, Dr. Kelly Lessard. Dr. Kelly will be a wonderful support to Pet Haven that will reach past her DVM. We are lucky to have her on our team! 

Hiring Dr. Kelly will allow us to add more consistent internal vet care, provide more support to our pets and fosters while simultaneously reducing costs for the organization. We will still utilize partner clinics for urgent and emergency and specialty care but having the opportunity to support pets internally on a broader scale will be a game changer. 

Animal medical care costs are our largest expense as a rescue. We often take risks on pets that other organizations pass over. Pets like Grandpa Llyod, a senior cat found wandering stray, who has warmed our hearts. Or Angela, a feline who was thought to be sick with a virus, and ended up having a bullet in her nasal cavity. We took a risk on Ocho, a pup that had a terrible skin allergy and was miserable, but with proper treatment, he is now beautiful and living an itch-free life. We have Montana, a dog that was brought to our office, and needed immediate placement. He had some behavioral challenges and is currently working with one of our training partners doing really well. This is just a small sample of the kind of pets we support. This support comes with a cost that our adoption fees do not come close to covering. We rely on the generosity of our community and business partners to help us Bridge the Gap between our animal care expenses and our revenue. 








[Pictured: Angela]

This month, we will be launching our annual Bridge the Gap Campaign so watch for some amazing stories about our Pet Haven Pets that we hope inspire you to share the stories with your community. Encourage your networks to support Pet Haven by giving a donation of any size and by sharing our stories with others to help us Bridge the Gap. Any help is greatly appreciated!

With a 23% increase in animal intake over last year, we have spent $98,493.67 in medical care for our rescued pets from January through April this year alone. 

Last year with 23% less pets in care, we spent $115,468.05. Pivoting to in-house care has saved Pet Haven resources and as we move forward with this shift it will allow us to save more lives.

Adoption fee income for January through April this year was $73,627.06. This leaves us with a $24,866.61 gap in funding to break even in adoption fees vs. medical care. 

In 2023, our gap was $39,805.68 with less pets in care, so we are seeing results!







[Pictured: Ocho]

Our Bridge the Gap Campaign is where your support can be really helpful and will be felt by the wider reach we can have saving more Minnesota pets!

Thank you for all you give to these lives we save!