Dottie is Home at Last

Dottie is Home at Last

Dottie came to Pet Haven from a local impound. She was turned in as a stray.

Dottie is no longer a homeless lass but a dearly loved member of a family! Dottie is at home with Tim and Holly who are working with her so she will earn her Therapy Dog Certification. First come the obedience classes to work through. She can now 'high five' and 'sit pretty'! A smart girl who loves to please her owners. She's a sweet lady who enjoys her classes but especially loves being a part of her family.

Time to watch a movie? Wonderful!

Time for classes? That's fun too!

We love to learn that the dogs and cats we rescue are valued members of their family with pictures and a little story! Knowing they are no longer roaming the streets is just one more bonus!