In Memory of Tigger

In Memory of Tigger

When Tigger was adopted in 1999 he had been called 'Flash' by Pet Haven. Soon the family discovered that he pounced at things just as Tigger does in Winnie the Pooh! What better name?

Here are some of the things Tigger's family remember about him:
Tigger loved to go for car rides, camping and walks. The day before he passed away, he was still able to withstand a small walk with his Dad. When he was much younger, he could run very fast and would chase those poor bunnies in our yard. He even caught a crow once.... That was an experience.
He greeted his human sister and brother with a big kiss across the face when they came home from the hospital after being bor

He was extremely spoiled not only by his family but he also had two special "Aunty's" who loved to dote on him Aunty Nancy and Aunty Lina.
Sadly, Tigger became ill this past September and then in November, he just went down hill from there. Tigger passed away November 19th, 2011
He made our family complete and we miss him terribly. However, we take comfort in knowing that he is free to run and chase those bunnies like he used to once again.
We are rich in the memories of our beloved companions and saddened when they die. Some day we hope to have another pet to get to know, love and create new memories with.