Meesha - A Blue-Eyed Fluff-Ball of a Cat!

Meesha - A Blue-Eyed Fluff-Ball of a Cat!

This pretty girl was taken by Pet Haven after she was seen being dumped onto a rural road. Luckily for her, the person in the car behind stopped and was able to pick her up.

She is a medium haired Siamese cross with blue eyes and had been 4 paw declawed.

Do you notice her 'bent forward' ears? Meesha is about 4 yrs. of age and had probably lived her whole life with ear mites! Because of head shaking and scratching to try to dislodge them she developed hematomas (blood filled tissue in the actual outer ear) and gradually this tissue hardened and distorted the shape. Pet Haven supplied medication and her foster diligently worked to remove those little villians so she would no longer have the pain and itching - but her ears will always be bent forward.

Meesha was at a shelter first and didn't eat well there and was frightened. She was thin already and had probably been living with stress in her former home.

Upon arrival at Pet Haven her foster gave her a smorgasbord of foods to try and slowly she developed a normal appetite and became a healthy, playful young lady. She chases and plays with the older cat in the foster home and there is a dog there too. She follows her foster around now and loves to snuggle and come for attention and she has all the toys she could want to swat and chase!

Those blue eyes are hard to photograph - you'll have to take our word they are beautiful!

It's rewarding to watch our foster animals come out of their shells and realize that they are in a loving, caring home filled with patience. Now it is time for Meesha to find a forever home that will love her as much as her foster does.