New Year, Old Home: Snider's Story

New Year, Old Home: Snider's Story

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! 

From 2019 through 2023, 4,063 Pets in crisis have come into foster care with us. This is AMAZING! Without Pet Haven where would these pets have gone?

Our Foster Program is incredibly successful and truly saves lives. If you are a foster with us, thank you! If you are thinking about fostering please sign up, WE NEED YOU!

Most of the pets we receive are at risk and giving them a chance at a new life full of love and the comfort of a warm home is incredibly impactful! It changes not just the pets' lives but the families that adopt these pets as well.

Of those 4,063 Pets that have come into our care in the last five years, 3,850 have found their families through our adoption program and more will find homes this year. We have had 22 adoptions to start off 2024!

Each animal has a story and one of those is Snider's.

Snider, a 9-year-old Saint Bernard mix, came into care in December of 2020 from a rural shelter in South Carolina. He arrived with some anxiety which is not uncommon for shelter pets. We also found he had some PTSD reactions to certain experiences. As a result, he was not an easy dog to find a home for. He had two different fosters while with us and they both did wonderful work with Snider to help him through his anxiety, PTSD reactions, and trust-building. His foster's care and kindness helped him relax and adjust to a new life. 

Snider was finally adopted into a home with a single parent and child in March of 2022. We received wonderful updates and thought this was the happy ending Snider needed. Until a couple weeks ago when we received a call that Snider had been brought to Como Park Animal Hospital. 

They serve as impound for Roseville. His adopter could not take Snider back due to personal struggles so we jumped into action! 

Every pet that comes into Pet Haven’s care is always a Pet Haven pet and will always have a safe place to land!

We called Snider's previous foster, Paul. On the call, we found out he was living in Austin, Texas  and not currently in Minnesota. It had been a year and a half since Snider left Paul’s care but the impact this big beautiful boy had never left Paul's heart. The first thing Paul said to us was, “I’M COMING TO GET HIM!”

We were thrilled and shed tears of joy. Paul and Snider had a very special relationship, but back then, Paul was not able to adopt him.

He could now.

The reunion was amazing! Paul drove 18 hours straight to Pet Haven from Austin. We went to Como Park Animal Hospital to get Snider. Snider was not sure at first who Paul was, then he got a big sniff and that tail started to wag like crazy! Snider was so excited to be reunited with Paul. This was clearly Snider’s true happy beginning to a new life with his dear friend, Paul.

Paul adopted Snider on the spot that day!

Sometimes it is a winding road to find home and we are absolutely thrilled and grateful that Snider is finally HOME!