Pet Haven's Mission

Pet Haven's Mission

How is it possible that 2023 is almost over? With only a few weeks left, I reflect on the past year with gratitude for all I have learned and the lives of pets and people who have been impacted by all of us coming together for the mission of Pet Haven.

There is much to celebrate! The mission of Pet Haven has seen many successes this year, and the lives of 823 Minnesota pets have been saved, with more on the way!

It is Pet Haven's mission that holds strong and is the most important guiding force of all I do. It is the mission of saving and changing pets' lives for the better that brings us all into the arms of this 71-year-old organization. An organization that is bigger than any one individual and must maintain its place here in Minnesota for the good of the community. 

Now more than ever the need for services continues to increase. It's been a challenging year on the animal welfare landscape nationwide and in Minnesota. Organizations are closing or restructuring, which has limited the help available for pets and people in need. Pet Haven must remain a bright light on the Minnesota rescue landscape. 

Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Rehoming are what we do, but it's so much more than just this. We build relationships. We provide hope. We create families. We truly save lives. This is important and extremely valuable work. Work I feel incredibly grateful I get to do every day. Work I love. Work that inspires me. Work that can be challenging but incredibly rewarding. Work that is for one purpose, and one purpose only, the mission of Pet Haven.

"Pet Haven improves the lives of pets and the people who love them by rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming dogs and cats; reducing pet overpopulation by supporting spay and neuter efforts; and providing resources to people that help strengthen the human-animal bond through compassion, kindness, and respect."

As an organization, we will continue to grow and adapt to the needs of Minnesota pets, the community, and the health of the organization as a whole. 

As an individual leading and guiding this organization, I am committed to the health and well-being of Pet Haven, its staff, volunteers, and our beloved rescued pets, whether currently in foster care or waiting in the wings to come in. 

As we transition from 2023 to 2024, I see Pet Haven continuing to be a strong beacon of hope shining bright for those who need us most. 

Thank you for all you do and all you give. Year-to-date, 823 lives have been impacted for the better by your support!

- Kerry D'Amato, Executive Director

Enjoy some stats and facts from 2023!