Congratulations on Your New what? Preparing for your new arrival!

Congratulations on Your New what? Preparing for your new arrival!


I know, I know… you’re excited! You’ve found a super cute pup on the adoptable dogs page of the Pet Haven website. You’ve submitted an application, had the meet and greet and home visit, and now you just can’t wait to officially bring your new pet home. The urge to unleash them--quite literally--on your house right away is tempting but just take a quick step back. To make this process as seamless as possible for both you and your pet, I’ve compiled a few things you can do and keep in mind with the hopes that you’re able to lay a safe and stable foundation for you and your new best friend’s budding relationship.


I like to think of the whole process in three steps:


  1. Mindset


  1. Preparation


  1. Introduction




Most people may not even see this as a step, but your mindset at the beginning of this journey is extremely important, not only for your happiness and sanity but for your pets as well. In the joy and excitement of bringing a new pet home, it’s easy to forget the stress they may feel in this time of transition. They’re going to be in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people and unfamiliar smells. They’re bound to be confused, and it’s only fair to expect that it’ll take some time for them to grow comfortable in their new environment. 


So what can you do? An attitude of patience, calm and positivity are key, from the moment you pick them up to the weeks after. It’s not always going to be easy fun and games, and your dog is bound to have a few accidents, but the more you can do to make your dog feel comfortable, the happier both of you will be. 



Now that the lecture is out of the way, time for the fun part: getting ready for your new pet!  First of all, make sure you have all the basic supplies ready: A collar, leash, food and water bowls, the food itself, some super fun toys, and treats to help with training. Also, don’t forget a crate if you’re planning on crate training.


Secondly, it’s wise to set up a few rules that your household will follow. The Humane Society offers a few good questions to ask yourself before you bring the dog home: “Who will walk the dog first thing in the morning? Who will feed them at night? Will they be allowed on the couch, or won't they? Where will they rest at night? Are there any rooms in the house that are off-limits?” Answering these questions will make sure that you, your family, and your dog get into a stable routine with clear expectations for all.


Finally, take some time to dog-proof your home, especially those areas where you think your dog will spend the most time. Petfinder suggests a few things to look out for, like “...taping loose electrical cords to baseboards; storing household chemicals on high shelves; removing plants, rugs, and breakables; setting up the crate, and installing baby gates.” Smart preparation can avoid bad situations before they even happen.


The house is ready, a schedule is set and the big day is finally here: bringing your dog home! But, again, there are steps you can take to make this process enjoyable and seamless for the both of you. Rescue Dogs 101 has great suggestions and resources for helping your new pup to adjust. Try taking your dog for a long walk before even letting them inside your home. That way they can let out plenty of pent up energy, while also getting acquainted with their new neighborhood. 


Once you’re ready to bring them inside the house, keep them on the leash as you take the tour. Let them sniff around each room under your careful supervision, making sure to be stern yet calm if they get into something they shouldn’t. 


Finally, after the tour, take them to their feeding and water area, where you can give them a well deserved bite of food and drink of water as a reward. A cuddle or two is perfectly acceptable as well.


The bond that develops between you and your dog is life-changing and has the ability to bring so much happiness to you and your family. With the right attitude and smart, careful preparation, that bond will start strong and only get stronger with time.

Written by Colin Carpenter