Adopting a Rescue Dog - The Pet Haven Promise

Adopting a Rescue Dog - The Pet Haven Promise




Adopting a Rescue Dog is a rewarding and heartwarming experience. Giving a second chance to a dog who has none is truly a gift. We often do not know the background of the dogs that come to us and even if we do we still have to piece together the puzzle that was their lives so we can help them the best way possible. We want to be sure the next place they go will be forever and where they can live their best life.

This is the Pet Haven Promise. We promise to do right by them.

Many of the dogs that find their way to Pet Haven come from traditional shelters and have been deemed unadoptable. We believe these dogs deserve a chance at a better life and we are willing to put the work and resources in to do what we can to transform lives.  Paloma was one of those dogs. Found running stray at large we did not know much about her. She was scared and would need some extra care and we were happy to provide that for her. After rehabilitating her in one of our foster homes, we found what we thought was the perfect home and family for her but it didnt go exactly as we had planned. Paloma was having trouble adjusting to the change and that is when we really stepped up. We committed not only to Paloma but to help support the adopter through the transition time.

At Pet Haven, we offer pre-adoption and post-adoption support. Its the Pet Haven promise, it just what we do and what sets us apart from others. Once you adopt a pet from us you are part of the family. The Pet Haven Family.

Paloma's family wrote to us on her one year "gotcha day" and we are incredibly grateful for the time and commitment this family gave to Paloma. They committed to working through the challenges and what that commitment brought them was priceless!



Just wanted to give a one year update on my beautiful gal, Paloma (now known as Z-Bo, yes we let the toddler name her).

Exactly one year ago, Z-Bo entered our word. This beautiful White Shepherd thrived at her amazing foster home. Being a seasoned rescue mom, I thought the transition would be easy (with a few bumps in the road)... It was not!

Z-Bo was clearly upset by the change from her amazing foster home, she was sick from heartworm treatment, she was done with moving and not knowing what was coming next. She growled, she started resource-guarding everything, she wouldn’t eat, she was angry.


With the massive help and patience of Pet Haven, we worked through it. They answered every call, every email, and sent a behaviorist to our home and addressed every concern we had. I’m still amazed at the support. And they never made me feel guilty at what felt like my failure at the time.

People who rescue dogs are reminded of the 3-3-3 rule. I’m well aware of this. At the time of great transition while trying to support an angry, sick dog who was so over change- it did not provide much guidance/comfort. However, Pet Haven did.

Today, August 19 2020- One year later: I cannot express in words the love we have for our Z-Bo.

She is such a gentle soul with my elder dog.

She watches over my 3 yo. She plays with our cat with joy. She gives the best cuddles ever. She goes crazy in the yard with zoomies. She hoards all the toys in her crate. She has mastered all the training classes and eagerly awaits more.


She is happy. She is healthy. She feels safe.

She is not perfect, but pretty damn close. She has gone from reactive to inquisitive.


We thank Pet Haven. We thank you for rescuing her. We thank you for her amazing vet care. We thank you for the best foster ever.




Thank you.

Emily and family


We are so grateful to Emily and her family for the commitment they made to Paloma and the trust they gave to Pet Haven.  We would not have been able to offer the support to Emily and her family without the support of our community. Thank you for supporting Pet Haven and our mission to not just save more lives but make sure the life we are saving is living their best life. That is the Pet Haven Promise!