Happy "MEW" Year - 16 Felines Find Foster Care New Years Day at Pet Haven Rescue

Happy "MEW" Year - 16 Felines Find Foster Care New Years Day at Pet Haven Rescue


Monica sticks her tongue out to 2020 but happy to be in a Pet Haven Foster Home


To say 2020 was a challenging year is an understatement. I think most of us would stick our tongue out at it and say good riddance to 2020. While there didnt seem to be much to celebrate, at Pet Haven, we found 868 reasons to celebrate and 595 of them were felines.

Hadley, Mischief, Emme, and Elm found Pet Haven Foster Homes on New Years Day

In 2020 we rescued 595 cats and kittens bringing them into our Foster Care Program. Covid hit and we went into action! We looked closely at where we were needed most, Crisis Owner Surrenders, Rural Shelter Partners where cats had little chance for adoption, our City Municipals that had to reduce staffing and did not have the capacity for care, and our most marginalized communities, our Tribal Nations, where resources are nonexistent and help is desperately needed. We went into action, increased our feline fosters by more than double, opened up our hearts and homes to felines at risk, and saved more than ever before.


556 felines found love in a forever home through our Adoption Program in 2020. For this we celebrate!


But we won't stop there, we will keep saving as many fabulous felines as we can.

Welcome, 2021!

What better way to start the "Mew Year" off but to rescue more cats in need! While most people were relaxing and reflecting on New Years Day, Pet Haven's transport volunteers drove 6 hours round trip to bring the cats to their fosters.


16 cats came up to the Twin Cities from a rural shelter near the Minnesota -Iowa border. These rural shelters have very few opportunities for adoptions and for cats, it is even more difficult. Pet Haven partners with these shelters to give the gift of family to the felines in need but to also help the staff and volunteers at these shelters. The joy and relief we give the people who care for these cats knowing they will be adopted and live a good life outside of a shelter is truly a gift.






We are proud of our partnerships, the lives we change, and the families we help create.



Pet Haven Fosters, Volunteers, and Executive Director were out on a Minnesota winter day to save more lives.


Dedication with Cattitude!

Happy MEW Year Everyone!