Hospice Care, Truly a Gift of Love - The Rainbow Fund

Hospice Care, Truly a Gift of Love - The Rainbow Fund

Pet Haven’s Rainbow Fund seeks to honor the cats and dogs in our care that are in hospice care currently or have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Often, these animals are the least acknowledged while having some of the highest costs due to long-term and emergency care. It's hard to know when the right time to say goodbye is. We give every comfort and care possible while considering what is pets for each pet.  Consider honoring a pet who has passed by donating to the Rainbow Fund.


Kitts arrived in Pet Haven's care on 2/10/2022 through our owner surrender program. Her owner was losing housing and had we not stepped up to take this 19-year-old gal she would have spent her last days in a municipal shelter. Kitts crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 3/5/2022. She was 19 years old.

From Kitt's Foster Family Scott and Neha: "Kitts, a 19 yrs old feline, came to us as Owner Surrender on Feb 10th in a tiny carrier with a big blanket, pink teddy bear, and an unimaginable amount of love to give. Her owner had lost their housing. We let her decompress for a day, knowing full well - this change is possibly causing her a lot of stress.  Our first vet visit showed advanced kidney disease and we did all we could to make her remaining days as comfortable as we could. We knew in our hearts our time with Kitts was short - just not as short as it turned out to be. We said our goodbyes to Kitts on March 5th. She was ready for her next phase, my heart on the hand - still not ready. We held her tight sitting on the floor at the vet's office. She curled up in my lap and tried to nap just like she did each day when we hung out together at home. She took her last breath as we held her and told her how much we loved her. 
 I miss her kisses and face rubs the most. She didn't need much - just an unlimited supply of lap time and I hope we gave her just that. I wake up hoping to hear her meow so I can run up and give her a big hug. Fostering Kitts was an honor and I am forever grateful we crossed paths"
Kitts fosters were so touched by the experience of providing hospice care they helped us start the Rainbow Fund with an initial matching donation of $500. We are eternally grateful for their generosity.


Lucy age 5 years 2 months arrived in Pet Haven's care on 3/2/2022. She had been left at a municipal impound. We couldn't bear the thought of her being alone and sick so we brought her into care and gave her a fighting chance. Unfortunately, she was just too sick to fight anymore and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on 3/5/2022. Lucy was only with us a short time but made a big impact on all our hearts.
From Lucy's Foster Family Ashley and Brian: It’s with a heavy heart I share that Lucy passed away this morning with the help of Lap of Love.
I was struggling feeling like she didn’t have enough time to feel all the love I thought she deserved. We. Didn’t have enough time.
And what if, what if, what if because she was such a fighter. But it didn’t change the fact that her body was failing and there was nothing we could do.
The vet and I talked for about 30 minutes as I struggled to come to terms. When she went out to give me some time.. I was telling Lucy I loved her. That we all loved her. That my dog, Penny, would be there and Penny feels SO much better free from her ailing body.
Right then and there, Lucy licked me for the first time since Sunday morning. I can’t really explain it but when she licked me.. her whole being, her face, her eyes were just grateful and filled with love. I could see plain as day that she was saying thank you for letting her be at peace.
Thank you for that gift, Lucy. You have no idea what it meant to me.
You are loved and you will never be forgotten.


Walter "Wally" was found wandering stray on the streets by himself. Thin, sick, declawed, and terribly matted. He was taken in by a good samaritan and brought to a vet clinic where he was scanned for a microchip which he had. Unfortunately, the information of the owner was not updated and the phone was discounted. Wally received some care at the clinic and there it was found he was FeLV +. We agreed to bring him into foster care and Becky opened her home and heart to him on 10/8/2021. There he gained weight, received regular brushing so his coat became beautiful, and felt love and at home till his last day. Wally crossed the Rainbow Bridge in the loving arms of Becky on 2/5/2022 his body could no longer fight the FeLV.


Ruby age 17 years came to Pet Haven from Minneapolis Animal Care and Control on 3/1/2022 with end-stage renal failure. We could not let this regal gal have her last days in a noisy shelter so we brought her into care so she could feel safe and loved. She crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 3/9/2022 knowing love and home in hospice care with her Pet Haven Foster Becky.
Ruby and Wally's Foster Becky: I look for the ones no one wants, the old, the sick, the ones that need me most. I don't have a lot, but I have a lot of love to give and a safe soft bed for resting weary bones. Rest easy now Ruby and Wally. You were so loved and cherished by me.


Nala was just shy of 8 years old and was surrendered at one of our Reservation clinics on 10/1/2021. Her owner was no longer able to care for her and her sister. Once in care, we found out she was suffering from a cancerous mass in her mouth and skull. She was with us for 39 days and was loved and cherished every minute of it. Nala crossed the Rainbow Bridge on 11/9/2021
From Nala's Foster Amanda: Sweet Nala crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. It was very unexpected when she went in for a dental and the vet discovered more serious issues. I held her for an hour before it was time for her to be forever pain-free. I already miss her sweet whines and full-body wiggles when she was excited to see, and the way she would nuzzle into me for snuggles. You are loved, sweet girl.

In 2018, 17 animals were euthanized for health or died in care. Their medical expenses totaled $7,507.55. In 2019, 17 animals were euthanized due to health or died in care. Their medical expenses totaled $11,807.76. In 2020, 17 animals were euthanized for health or died in care. Their medical expenses totaled $11,519.49. In 2021, 23 animals were euthanized for health or died in care. Of the 23, 12 were pulled from shelters as hospice cases and two came into hospice care from owner surrenders. The medical expenses totaled $19,363.66. The average care cost for a pet in our Hospice Program is $678.32. We believe they are worth every penny.

There are many more lives carefully loved and cared for here at Pet Haven. It takes a special person to do hospice care and we are so grateful to our foster families that open their homes knowing their hearts will break but also knowing the joy of providing this gift of providing end-of-life comfort to a pet in need. It also takes a special person to gift support to provide end-of-life comforts knowing the outcome will be ultimately loss. We are so grateful to be able to offer a compassionate crossing with this program.
Please consider even a small gift to help us sustain and be able to say yes to more pets in need of hospice care. Thank you.
Dixie came into our care after her owner passed away. She is 15 years old and found comfort with her wonderful fosters. After 86 days in our care, a perfect adopter was found for her where she is living out her senior years loved and cherished just as we all hope to be. At Pet Haven, our seniors have value now and forever.