Jackson Learns Life is More Than Pain

Jackson Learns Life is More Than Pain

Meet Jackson


 Our Phoenix Fund program allows us to take in special needs animals like Jackson who need extra medical care.

Meet Jackson: a sweet, loving guy full of headbutts and purrs. His resilience and ability to forgive us humans are inspiring. Jackson was the victim of extreme cruelty. We cannot understand how people can hurt any living creature, but we are grateful for the support the Phoenix Fund gets from our community so we can quickly say yes to pets in a crisis like Jackson. We received an urgent call from one of our Northern Minnesota Rescue Partners. They had removed a cat from a home in really bad shape. He needed care and a safe place to recover. We heard Jackson’s story and said YES immediately.

A collar was placed on Jackson as a kitten and was zip-tied together so it could not pop off. The result of this was an embedded collar quite deep into his neck. This collar had to be surgically removed and left a deep hole in his neck.

Jackson also suffered other injuries. He was burned by a curling iron and suffered terrible burns to his back. He would need extensive care and time to heal in a safe environment. We arranged for transport with Leech Lake Legacy. In less than 24 hours, Jackson was on his way down to the cities and a new life in Pet Haven Foster Care!

Once in the safety of his fosters, Jackson began the healing process.


His fosters are amazed at his resilience and his ability to trust again. 

Jackson’s adoption fee of $180 will barely touch the medical costs accrued for his care, but we believe every life has value, and he is worth every penny. Jackson was adopted by his foster family. After everything he had been through with him, they couldn’t bear to give him up. Jackson is HOME!


Thank you to our amazing fosters who donate their time and resources to care for pets in crisis. If you are interested in making a difference in the life of a pet in need, consider joining the Pet Haven Foster Family. To support Jackson or others like him, please consider a gift to our Phoenix Fund. Thank you!



The Phoenix Fund Saves Lives. Any gift of support is a chance at a new life. Thank you for considering a donation to the Pet Haven Phoenix Fund!