A cry for help in the woods: can you help Ivy?

A cry for help in the woods: can you help Ivy?

Dear Pet Haven Community,


This past weekend, Pet Haven was contacted by one of our rural intake partners about puppies in critical condition. A litter, approximately four weeks old, had been found abandoned outside in Northern Minnesota. We don't know what happened to their mom. Because of their condition, we believe they may have been all alone in the woods and without their mother or any nourishment for about a week. Most of the puppies had already passed, but two were still hanging on...

Meet Ivan and Ivy.



When Pet Haven got the call for help, we said YES and immediately jumped into action. Time was of the utmost importance to save these puppies; every minute mattered. The puppies were kept warm and safe while they were transported by one of our rescue partners to the Twin Cities.


Ivan and Ivy arrived in the Twin Cities on Sunday. They had been found in horrific conditions, and our hearts broke to see them dehydrated and covered in fleasThe fleas had to be picked off by hand as they were too little and too weak to treat.


The two remaining puppies, named Ivy and Ivan, were rushed to receive medical care. They were in such desperate condition we gave sub Q fluids in the parking lot.

We were then able to get them much needed a blood transfusion with the help of one of our generous Veterinarian partners through Act V Rescue. Partnerships are so valuable, especially in emergencies!




We did everything we could, but unfortunately, Ivan had suffered too much to survive. We had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him go.

Our lone survivor, Ivy, is currently fighting for her life with our veterinarian partners. We are doing everything in our power to help her. Every hour she lives is a triumph and gives her a better chance at survival.

Pet Haven is also fighting so that we can continue to say “yes” to the animals like Ivy who need our care. Compared to last year, our animal intake has tripled. We are currently caring for over 160 animals 85 of which have come in just this month of July alone compared to last July when 31 pets in need came into the organization. The challenge is due to the economic downturn the need is up but our donations are less than half of what they were last year. Our vet costs have skyrocketed as we help save the pets that need us the most; last month alone, we took on over $15,000 of vet bills. 

Our partners up north called Pet Haven because they know we have a strong community that comes together to save animals. Because of your compassionate support, we can say yes to rescuing even the most vulnerable animals.

Our hope now is that Ivy grows strong, beautiful, and upward just like her namesake; but we need your help now to make sure she gets the chance. Will you help animals like Ivy receive their best chance at survival?

It is hard to say YES when we don’t know what the future holds, but we trust that our Pet Haven community will come together to rescue the lost, the abandoned, and the hurt animals who come into our care. 


If you are able to donate, we need your help now. Your donation will go to our Phoenix Fund that directly supports the medical needs of animals in our care. YOU can make all the difference in saving lives like Ivy’s.


Thank you for being a part of our Pet Haven community. Your support is what makes even the hardest days of rescue work feel like a victory.