Foster Stories: October, a Senior Feline Finds a New Life

Foster Stories: October, a Senior Feline Finds a New Life

My name is Brianna and I have been a foster for Pet Haven since February of 2020. My first foster cat, Glinda,  was a "Foster Fail" meaning I adopted her myself. I had six more foster cats before October came. I felt pretty confident I knew cats, but October was pretty much a game-changer for me in terms of learning about cat behavior.
October came to Pet Haven through their Owner Surrender Program.  October was 13 years old and his family dynamic had changed. He needed to leave. There was a job loss, a move, a toddler, and a new baby on the way. October was terribly afraid of the toddler and he spent all of his time hiding. This was no life for him.  I was not sure how my cat Glinda would accept him. She usually either loves or hates older cats, but after reading October's story, my heart broke for him and I knew had to help.
I created a safe place to start his transition. This was my bedroom. From the moment I opened his crate, he was not interested in getting to know me. He seemed barely interested in food, water, or the litter box. Instead of doing anything, he curled up into a ball, frightened, under my bed where no one could reach him. This lasted for WEEKS. I knew that he was eating/drinking/pottying during the nighttime hours, but I would never see him during the day. After about two weeks of giving him his space, and internally freaking out that I was ruining his life, I started laying on the ground next to my bed. I'd lay here for hours just talking with him, singing to him, watching videos, throwing him treats, and trying to sneak a pet in when I could.
He still wasn't a fan of me, but I had turned into his #1 fan.
I noticed during my laying time that he seemed to have difficulty eating hard kibble, so I switched to softer foods. For most of the time I had him, his water and food were set up just underneath my bed for him to be able to access without leaving the safety of under my bed. This routine lasted for a month, until something really cool happened.
I was laying in bed talking to him like normal, and with my light on, I saw him come out from under the bed and stare at me. I laid my hand/arm over the side- and he began to cuddle it! He purred, rubbed against my hand, and let me pet him for the first time! I was incredibly excited but when I moved to get a better petting angle, he retreated.
So nightly for the next two weeks, I left my nightstand lamp on and waited for him to come out by the side of my bed. I'd let my arm lay over the side and let him pet and rub while I laid there trying my best not to move. One night, I was ready to do the same routine, and out of nowhere he jumped into my bed, began purring, and just sat on my chest. He let me rub him for at least 2 hours-way past my bedtime, but I could tell that it was the moment when he had decided to trust me.
It took 6 weeks for this to happen, and I cannot share with you the amount of joy I felt at this moment-at 3 in the morning, I was giddy!
From there, October slept with me every night. He would still go to his hiding place during the day, but there was one day when I decked it out with pillows, blankets, and toys- after I did that, I came home to an October that pawed at the door wanting me to come to spend time with him, and I would hear him purr while under my bed in his spot.
After a few more weeks went by, I tried to slowly introduce him to my cat Glinda. Long story short, he did NOT like that. It was incredibly clear that October was meant to be a solo cat, and I felt horrible that I could not give him that. In an attempt to meet him halfway, I developed a system where I would put Glinda in the bathroom and close the door, then open the bedroom door and see if October wanted to explore the rest of the home.
I did this every night I was home for weeks, and again around the 6-7th week, he decided to venture around.
2 months into this nightly routine (Glinda gets bedroom at night where October is there during the day), October decided he wanted to come to snuggle with me on the couch. Yet, another great day for October! And thus became our routine, keeping Glinda and October separate for the most part, but both letting them have access to the entire apartment at different times, then ending the day by having October cuddle and purr at my side while I fell asleep.
Finally, I felt comfortable enough to put him online for adoption.
Being a 13-year-old cat, it took a while for us to get applications. I read through 2 that came in and had gut feelings that they weren't going to work. Then I read Susan's application, and my gut and my heart knew that she was the right person for October to spend the rest of his days with. During our virtual visit, Susan began to cry at how sweet he is and cried harder when I told her that I knew October had to be hers.
During the transition, I went over to Susan's home to complete the adoption process. I encouraged Susan to create a "safe space" in her room, and under her bed, because I was thinking he would need that same safe space that he needed with me. It turns out that yes, October did hide under the bed- but only for ONE HOUR. After that first hour, he was taking treats RIGHT OUT OF SUSAN's HAND, purring, and letting her pet him!!
I left knowing that October would be loved more than ever before and that my gut had made the right choice.
Susan and I spoke the next day, and October was already in her bed cuddling her to sleep, and wanting to explore the remainder of the home. I was honestly shocked at his progress. What took him months in my home, took him less than 30 hours in hers! Ever since then, Susan and I have kept in contact, and she wrote a lovely letter thanking me and Pet Haven for taking him in.
I am so incredibly honored and happy to have been a part of October's journey. His story speaks to the amazing resilience that was always within him. All he needed was a chance to rekindle that flame and remind himself that he is deserving of love. I am also incredibly lucky to have met October when I did. He taught and gave me so much more than I taught or gave him. He reminded me that I also deserve someone who will lay on the floor with me when I'm having a bad day, and remind me that I am safe even when my world feels like it is crashing down.
He had been through so much change, pain, and potential trauma throughout that experience, and I have gone through similar challenges in my life. I think we found each other right when we needed each other. We lit up each other's lives, and if I can say so myself, I am a better human being because October was in my life.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't crying while writing this up. It was such an incredible day-by-day journey for 8 months, and now called Toby,  October is having the absolute time of his life. He rescued me as much as I rescued him, and for that, I will be forever grateful.
Thank you Pet Haven for accepting cats like October into your program and for providing, not just the cats the time and support they need, but also for us fosters!
From October's adopter:
"I woke up this morning with the paw of October in my hand. He has been with me for a little under two weeks, and I cannot describe the joy and purpose he has given my life. It is true what they say, that animals do more for us than we do for them. I am also at a time in my life where I am an empty nester and working on my Masters. I have felt an emptiness and a sense of not being needed. Something Toby and I had in common. October is 13 and some months old orange tabby. He is a freckled nose, beautiful marking, and is in perfect health. I had looked at other animals; puppies, kittens, younger cats; but when I laid my eyes on October, I knew he needed and deserved a forever home to live out the rest of his life in peace.
Every pet deserves a second chance. It only took October one night before he came out from under the bed purring and meowing at me to seek out love and snacks. Now he essentially sleeps on my head and lays in the crook of my arm. He loves to play and is especially enamored with the laser light. He wants love which I have an abundance of, and it is such a meaningful act to be able to offer that one simple thing to him.
Pet Haven is a remarkable organization and is crucial to fostering animals until they find their forever home. The process is remarkably loving and supportive. The animals are fully cared for emotionally and medically. They are also microchipped! Please- if you are able, support them financially and consider rescuing an older animal. They are so grateful to be safe and warm, loved and fed. They return their gratitude tenfold by the love they give in return" S. Fischer
Thank you to Brianna for giving October the time and patience to open his heart to love again and thank you to his adopter for taking a chance on a mature gentleman. We love our seniors and believe they deserve as much of a second chance as any others. If you would like to support our mission please consider a gift in honor of October and the other seniors waiting in the wings for their forever families.