Help Moxie Heal

Help Moxie Heal


“She’s a good dog and deserves a chance….” Dr. Brian Rose.

mox·ie [noun]

a force of character, determination, or nerve.

…..also the “Goodest girl”.


Moxie came to us via our owner surrender program in late 2023.
Her family had been turned away everywhere they inquired and were desperately seeking a foster home for their beloved girl. Moxie was a pandemic puppy and didn’t get a lot of socialization with young kiddos. With the recent addition of a baby who started moving into the mobile, toddler stage – a tough stage for any dog – as well as plans to move into a home with more young children, Moxie started declining.
Her family made the heartbreaking decision to surrender Moxie because they knew she was constantly anxious, and that wasn’t a state of mind they wanted her to have to battle every day. She really needed to be in a kid-free home, and sometimes, an environmental change is the only thing that will truly help.

One of our foster homes had an open spot for Moxie, and we were able to help not only her but also her family. They had the peace of mind only a caring foster home can provide. Lovingly known as the “little ink spot,” she became friends with the much, much bigger resident dog and was well on her way to being ready for adoption.

And then.. things came to a screeching halt when Moxie ended up with not one but two ACL tears. For those who have been through this surgery with their dog, you know how expensive and intensive it is. We had to figure out two things: a new foster home and where we could have the surgery done. Why a new foster home? Only because Moxie needed a home set-up to aid in her recovery (no stairs to outside, no doggos to amp her up to play).

While we navigated these circumstances, we made sure that Moxie was comfortable with pain medication and rest. In April, after much searching, we were able to transfer Moxie to her new foster home. With this step complete, we also confirmed her double TPLO (knee) surgery with our partner clinic, Southview Animal Hospital. Although we have an in-house surgery suite at our office, we do not have the imaging needed for this type of surgery or the vetting resources to complete it in a timely manner. With Moxie having patiently waited already, it wasn’t fair to keep her waiting any longer.

Our surgery estimate for Moxie is $7,000 before the rescue 501c3 discount Southview Animal Hospital is giving us. We hope to raise $4,000  to help Moxie Heal. Any funds raised over and above the needed amount for Moxie’s surgery will be added to our Phoenix Fund to support other pets needing specialty medical or emergency care. 

The amazing humans at Dogs of a Good Society are giving us a $1,000 grant, and Moxie’s foster, Dale, is giving us $1000. Another generous donor matched that $1000! We still need $4,000 to cover Moxie’s much-needed surgery. 






Dale had been thinking about fostering for a while when Moxie needed a place to land.

He says, “She certainly lives up to her name! When she came into my home, she was initially unsure but fell in love with my big dog and cat and was cuddly with me fairly quickly. She can be the wriggliest lapful you’ve ever seen, knows how to greet you at the door with her ball in her mouth, and can even be coaxed to “awwoo” a bit. Now that summer is right around the corner, I know she is looking forward to some high-quality repair work so she can hit the ground running and get back to her high-energy hijinks! Moxie is a darling dog who I was happy to host, and I hope that once she’s up and literally running again, I can get a play date with her and my dog, Mal, so I can watch her run circles around him some more.”