Helping Pets and People - The Story of Barney and Quincy

Helping Pets and People - The Story of Barney and Quincy


Much has been written about the strong bonds formed between humans and pets, and how beneficial animal companionship is.  The story of Barney and Quincy's journey to their forever home via Pet Haven is one of these stories and we will always remember.

Unlike many of the cats and dogs that come to Pet Haven, we have known Barney & Quincy's story from the start.  They were purchased from a breeder as young puppies and surrendered to one of our northern shelter partners at 1.5 yrs.  They were scared and unsure. We received a call from the shelter to ask if we could take a pup that was not doing well in the shelter environment. At that time only Quincy came to Pet Haven while Barney remained at the shelter.  We are not sure why there were separated but they were.

After some time in a Pet Haven foster home, Quincy was adopted.  His adopter, Karen learned that he had a brother who remained at the shelter.  Karen could not stand the thought of them not being together. She took a chance and reached out to the shelter and was thrilled to find out Barney was still there and she would be able to adopt Barney too!

She brought Barney home and the tail wags when these two saw each other was heartwarming. These guys were so excited to be reunited!


They were so well-loved and lived with Karen, their adopter and there they stayed for over six years. Barney and Quincy were her pride and joy. She loved them deeply and gave them the best life. Then Karen developed a debilitating illness and was unable to care for them so one of Karen's family members took on the care of these two for the next 1.5 years. Karen was able to visit and remain connected to the pups.  Tragedy hit again and this family member also suffered a medical crisis and could no longer keep them.

Poor Barney and Quincy were placed in a boarding facility as the family looked at re-homing options once again. Karen would come to visit frequently at the boarding facility and started to feel hopeless about the future of her pair of pups.

As a last attempt to find placement the family reached out to Pet Haven for help to see if we could take them into our foster care program. This is where the Pet Haven Promise comes in.

We promise that once a Pet Haven Pet, always a Pet Haven Pet.  We opened our hearts and foster home to Barney and Quincy. Quincy was a Pet Haven Pet and Barney his brother was part of the deal. They would not be separated again!

But it wasn't easy.....

Although Barney and Quincy were loved and happy, they had been very sheltered which led them to be very shy and reactive around new people and animals.  It was going to take a special foster that would work with them slowly over time to build their trust and confidence in the world around them. At Pet Haven, we give pets the time they need to heal and blossom into the best pets they can be.


By the time these resilient little troopers got to us, they had lived in four different places in less than two years. Our amazing foster, Sue, welcomed them with open arms. She took the time to build the trust and patience they needed to be ready for a new home with confidence. What lucky Pups they are!


"I met Barney and Quincy at the boarding facility and was joined by Karen and one of her sisters.  Karen had been going regularly to see Barney and Quincy but needed assistance getting there.  We enjoyed a two-hour visit, and I could see the love between Karen and her dogs.  By the time I could take Barney and Quincy home to foster, they had been in boarding for three months!  I was asked if Karen could continue to visit them, and I agreed to this.  Almost always (and for good reasons), the ties between a surrendering owner and a shelter are severed.  But this was a unique situation, and I knew that Karen's visits would be fine."

"She did visit my home twice during the eight months I fostered them but then her health worsened, and it became too difficult for her to leave the care facility where she lived.  Karen enjoyed the updates and pictures I sent her sister.  During this time, I reviewed applications and went on some home visits.
Barney and Quincy were finally adopted by a wonderful woman, Carol, in March 2020.  When I told Carol about Barney and Quincy's story, she asked to reach out to Karen.  Last Sept. I joined Carol when she brought Barney and Quincy to Karen's care facility for a short outdoor visit.  Afterward, Karen's sister wrote that Karen had been depressed but she was now so "happy she was able to see Barney and Quincy and glad they are in such a good home."  I considered this a unique "open adoption" of sorts.
Sadly, Karen passed away.  Her sister wrote to both Carol and me and said that the last time Karen was able to talk, she still expressed how grateful she was that her "boys" were safe in a loving home. This is a wonderful reminder that as much as Pet Haven helps cats and dogs, it also helps people!"
Sue Simons (foster mom)


Carol and the pups