Lizzie enjoying the good life

Lizzie enjoying the good life





Lizzie is a absolute joy!  She and my 8 year old cat, Jamie, play and chase each other.   Lizzie loves to cuddle.  There are lots of toys for her to play with including her favorite the soft balls which she can chase or carry in her mouth.  Lizzie has the full run of the house now.  I don't even put her in the bedroom when I leave the house anymore.  Lizzie is purring in my arms now wile I type one handed.

Lizzie has found a couple of flaws in my house that I did not know I had.  The kick board under the kitchen cabinets does not go all the way up to the bottom of the cabinets.  I did not know this until I found Lizzie with a front leg crammed in the crack.  Lizzie was trying to get a second leg through too.  Yikes!  I keep an eye on her in the kitchen for sure.

The foster parents did a great job with Lizzie.  Jamie and I could not possibly be happier with Lizzie.