Love Left Behind

Love Left Behind


What happens when a loved one cannot join you in the next phase of your life?


Do you have a plan in place for them if you are unable to take them with you?


It's easy to say I would never leave behind my pet. I would never surrender my family member. However, life can be unpredictable even in the best of times. Even individuals with detailed plans in place sometimes have unexpected life changes and when that happens we do everything we can to help.


Through our partnerships with municipal shelters, and our Owner Surrender Program we provide help for people and safe landing for hundreds of pets a year.


Many of the people we help and the pets we bring in are seniors. 



Lucy's Dad had to be taken away to the hospital and due to his ongoing health challenges, he would not ever be going back home. Lucy found herself alone and confused at a local city impound and her owner had no choice but to surrender her to the impound. We saw her and could not let this beautiful gentle soul stay any longer than she had to. We brought her into foster care as soon as we could and asked for something unusual. We wanted to contact Lucy's owner's family to let them know she was ok. Contact with previous owners is not usually done. The peace of mind we provided by sending pictures of Lucy and letting her person know she is safe and will be well loved is incredibly powerful and healing. We are grateful we could provide this for Lucy and her Dad.



















Lilly and Finnie lived a quiet life with their Mom until a small house fire indicated their Mom needed to go into memory care. Finnie and Lucy could not go with her. There are not enough facilities that will take pets and have support staff to care for them if owners are unable to. A neighbor reached out to our Owner Surrender Program and while we often have a wait in this case we didn't hesitate.

We knew timing was key and these sweet souls needed a safe place to land. We had to bring them to our facility till we could find a foster but they will be well loved and cared for in the meantime. The neighbor had been doing an amazing job taking care of these two "Golden Year" felines providing medications, special food, and lots of cuddles but she had challenges of her own. Taking on two senior kitties long-term was just not in the cards nor easy to do but it was still not easy to see them go. Getting updates that they are doing well, exploring their new digs, and chirping for Temptations helps smooth the loss.


We treat every pet that comes into our care like family because they are. We follow up and give updates to the families and individuals who surrender pets to us because it helps heal the loss.  We build relationships that last. 

Our programs rely on the generosity of individuals who give with love. Whether you can give time to volunteer, offer space in your home to foster, or gift supplies or funding, every bit helps change a life that matters.

If you would like to support our Owner Surrender Program or any of the current or future senior pets in our care please give a gift of love HERE. If you are looking for a pet-friendly Assisted Living Facility? Click HERE

Thank you for your kindness to pets in need and for your support.