Marely and His Ladies - Cats abandoned with little hope.

Marely and His Ladies - Cats abandoned with little hope.



Our intake manager received a desperate late-night plea from an Animal Control Officer. Three cats were found in shocking condition on a county highway and needed a safe place to go. The small rural impound had no space. They were at total capacity.

One of the cats, whom we later named Marley, because of his dreads, was laying in the middle of the road.

The other two, Kaylee and Alex were on the side of the road. It was an extremely cold day in mid -February of this year, close to 20 below zero, and a complete mystery as to how they got there.

Marley could barely walk because he was so extremely matted.




The small county impound facility desperately needed help. They had no space. They were completely full and nowhere for these three to go. If the shelter were to take them in then, the shelter manager would have to make the decision to euthanize them or others to make space. This is a decision no one ever wants to have to make.

These three deserved a chance at a better life so our intake manager contacted our Executive Director and she said yes to bringing them into our facility immediately. We jumped into action!

Our dedicated VOLUNTEER intake manager gathered a team of amazing volunteers together, our volunteer Cat Division Manager Rachel, our volunteer Kitten/Queen Care Manager, Stephanie (a CVT), and one of our long-time fosters and Cat Foster Mentor Neha.

These amazing volunteers showed up at 8:00 at night to welcome the three felines to our facility and help them start their new life with Pet Haven.

Now that we are building a future with physical space, we have the ability to support the occasional emergency placement.

This has been a game changer for Pet Haven and the pets and people we serve!



Our Executive Director was on the scene and helped to prepare their room to welcome these three to the Pet Haven Family. 

The cats needed immediate care and our team supported them on their journey to a new life. Marley was the worst case of matting and neglect we had ever seen. He was estimated to be 10 years old and given the severely matted fur and lack of muscle mass, it was determined that Marely had most likely spent years crated.

The poor boy could barely walk. It took more than an hour for Marley to be finally free of the chains that bound him.

Almost 2 pounds of matted fur was carefully removed from his body. There were several sores on his skin due to the matting being so close to his skin and pulling on it. He was covered in feces, urine scald, and suffering from a bad urinary tract infection. But he was so grateful for the help. His matted fur had bound his legs together so he really couldn't walk.

To watch him move freely for the first time in most likely several years brought us all to tears and giggles seeing him find his legs and joy for life again!

Due to the extreme matting, we found it very unusual that he was found in the middle of the road, his two ladies on the side of the road.

We were so grateful they were found and we have the capacity to say yes!




After Marely was shaved and cleaned up we could see how frail and thin he was. He also needed to learn how to walk again. He weighed in just slightly over 7 pounds and for his size a healthy weight would be 14-16 pounds. Alex, the calico was estimated at 5 years old and badly matted but in much better health.

Kylee, the grey and white girl and the youngest estimated around 3 years old had the least amount of matting but was in poor health. She was severely anemic and there was a concern about chronic kidney disease along with inflammation of the intestines, possible lymphoma, and lack of appetite.



After stabilizing this family of three at our facility they all entered into foster care with our experienced foster, Neha, who was part of the team on their arrival. Neha is giving them so much love, around-the-clock attention. They are thriving and Kaylee is eating and on the road to a clean bill of health!


We are also so grateful for the medical support from our feline specialty partner clinic Parkview Cat Clinicwe are happy to say these three are on the road to recovery and thriving.

Marley still needs more time in foster care to gain more strength and for us to make sure he is fully ready for his next step forward in life. In the meantime, we will give him as much time as he needs in our Foster Care Program to become the best he can be and we will keep this family together.

At Pet Haven, we value family and the strong bond family creates.

Pet Haven has over $2,000 invested in this family. Once available for adoption their adoption fees will generate $460 towards their medical bills which will continue to rise due to Marley still needing continued care. Please consider a gift today to help us Bridge the Gap between adoption revenue and medical costs!

*Any gift no matter the size is deeply appreciated and will go directly to medical care!
Donate HERE to help us Bridge the Gap for Minnesota Pets!