Minnesota Viking - Mushu

Minnesota Viking - Mushu


Mushu came to Pet Haven originally in 2018 as Viking. Viking came from a Red Lake Reservation Wellness and Surrender Clinic that Pet Haven volunteers at. He was about one year old and was found with a pretty bad limp with difficulty walking.  One of our volunteers at the clinic took Viking back to the cities with her so Pet Haven could provide the medical care he needed.

We needed to first find out what was wrong with his front leg so a series of X-rays were taken at VCA Bloomington Animal Hospital. There it was discovered he had a bad break and the best option would be amputation. Trying to repair the break was not possible due to his size and growth he would continue to have issues. radiologist and surgeon looked at - significant chronic changes, luxated for several weeks, fractures healing in elbow, significant swelling. Amputation is the best option.

We scheduled him for surgery with Access Veterinary Care. A $1500 life-changing surgery for this big goofy sweet Northern Viking. While it was costly, It was an easy decision to provide him with the medical procedure he would need to live a pain-free love-filled life. We knew this big beautiful sweet boy deserved a chance. Amputation would mean a pain-free life. Leaving as it was would cause him chronic pain and repair was not an option due to how bones had healed.

He healed beautifully and was adopted into his new family in November of 2018. 


We thought that was his happy ending.

Until Viking showed up at Minneapolis Animal Care and Control on June 22.


Fortunately, we microchip all our pets and stay on as a secondary contact. Once a Pet Haven pet, always a pet haven pet.

A Pet Haven Foster that volunteered with MACC offered to foster him. We were able to remove Viking now called Mushu from the shelter and get him into foster care.

Once back in our care it was quickly realized he had some health challenges. His energy was low for a dog his age. He was thin and seemed to be having some challenges moving around for longer periods of time. It was determined he had some bad arthritis pain as a result of the old injury.



Pet Haven values physical and emotional well-being. Being a non-profit we have to be responsible with how we spend funds and weigh the value of what we are doing against the need. We have to run like a business but we can still be a business with a big heart. The care that Mushu needed may be considered over and above what would normally be done especially by rescue but we have an incredible network of supporters and partners we are able to step into areas others may not be able to.


As a result of generous supporters and our partnerships with care providers, we are treating Mushu's arthritis in a way that has changed his life. He is not only moving better with less inflammation, but he is also running, taking long walks, and truly enjoying a fully enriched life that he did not have before.


While we had hoped Mushu's first round with us was a forever family, as much as we can do our due diligence, life happens. Situations can change. We are just happy to have him back home in the arms of Pet haven foster care.