Our Animal Flow Statistics for 2021

Our Animal Flow Statistics for 2021


Where do our rescued pets come from? How many get adopted? Looking back over the last three years we compare valuable data.








As a percentage of all intake sources, shelter partnerships have seen a massive decline since 2019.

•In 2019 we helped 269 shelter animals find foster placement, which

was 51% of our total intake.

•In 2021 we helped 275 shelter animals find foster placement, which

was 34% of our total intake.


Intake Follow Up Question


Why are we seeing dog foster intake numbers not trending the same way as cats? Cats are trending upwards and dogs are down.

•Do we have fewer foster homes than we have in the past? We have the same amount of fosters listed as "active" but fosters are not taking in as many dogs as in the past

•Do fosters tend not to reactivate when a foster animal is adopted out? With dog fosters, we are seeing a longer break between fostering again. With cats, the turnaround to fostering another cat is very quick.

•Are fosters more likely to “foster fail” and not return to fostering? While we do have many who decide to adopt their foster dog, we still have many of them say they want to continue to foster.

•Is the length of stay for dogs longer than it was in the past, making our program have fewer open foster homes? This is possible but also the kind of dog we are seeing is taking more of an investment from the foster. Investment in time, behavioral support, and extra care that people may not have the capacity to give at this time.


Pet Haven Adoption Statistics - Creating Family

In 2021 we saw a total of  818 pets find foster homes and we had 815 adoptions!

  • 579 Cats 

  • 236 Dogs

Pet Haven Euthanasia/Died in Care Statistics - The Heartbreaking Side of Rescue Work


In 2021 we were heartbroken to have 2 pets die in care both very young.

  • One was a kitten that had just been born and did not thrive.
  • One was a puppy that collapsed and died. We performed an autopsy and learned she had a defective heart

In 2021 we were heartbroken to make the difficult decision to euthanize 5 adult dogs and 3 puppies in our care

  • 3 dogs were hospice and needed help passing to the next place.
  • 2 dogs were extreme behavioral cases that for all our efforts, we could not rehabilitate. We believed the fosters and the public were at risk if we kept these dogs or adopted these dogs out. These cases are extremely difficult and we take them VERY seriously. Both dogs were given the kindest humane release from their extreme anxiety and aggression we could offer them. It was heartbreaking for all involved.


In 2021 we were heartbroken to make the decision to euthanize 7 adult cats and 4 kittens in our care

  • 6 adult cats had severe medical issues that they would not recover from. 1 of the cats was in hospice care and was time to let him go.
  • 4 kittens had medical issues they would not survive from and the appropriate decision was made with the help of professional medical evaluation to let them go. We do not take any of these life decisions lightly and will provide the best medical care we can to help those that need it. Sometimes there is no other humane choice but to let them go.

Pet Haven's Live Release Rates

Well above industry standards!


We love and treat them all like family......At Pet Haven, our pets ARE family.


Brandon Urban