Pet Haven May 2022 Pawgress Report

Pet Haven May 2022 Pawgress Report


Dog Foster Mentors - *Urgent Need* We are building up the Dog Division and looking for fosters who would like move into helping other fosters navigate our process and support them. This is a really helpful role!

The Dog Division is growing and we need people who are dog crazy and enjoy supporting people and pups to be the best they can be. Foster Mentors are a very important part of what makes Pet Haven successful. Mentors provide support and guidance to foster volunteers and their dogs. They are the portal for fosters to all the support and resources within Pet Haven. Foster Mentors also work closely with all members of Pet Haven’s Dog Division Team and Leadership staff to make recommendations for improvements and be the conduit of communications to Pet Haven fosters. If you enjoy helping people and their pets you will like this role! 

Estimated time commitment 3-4 hours per week

If interested email:


Interested in the Pet Haven Events Team? OH YES YOU ARE!!

We are still building the PAWSITIVITY  TEAM! We have a lot of opportunities to represent Pet Haven at events this year. From Adoption Events to Saint Paul Saints games to Paws on Grand to Pride and the Cat Film Festival at CHS Field or our own 70-year anniversary celebrations!

We need people who love to spread the Pet Haven Mission to others and be ambassadors for the organization. Also people who will set up our booth, brake it down and bring items back to the facility in St Paul. 

Consider joining the team and help spread the PAWSOMENESS that is Pet Haven! 

If you are interested in joining the events team contact:


As we quickly go from what was winter to suddenly summer it's exciting to see the pop of green that is happening all around. Green symbolizes new beginnings and growth, two things Pet Haven is in the thick of. 


Exciting times!


I have been at our new facility almost daily and having so much fun getting to know RestPro, the business that owns the building we are in and share. We could not have found a better place to be. They are all animal lovers and many bring their dogs to work! RestPro is a family-owned and operated business that has opened their hearts to us and shown us an incredible amount of generosity! All of our office furniture and two smart TV’s were donated by them. They have given us use of equipment to move pallets of food, even helped move pallets and throw trash away for us. They are fencing in a “back yard” for us so our foster dogs and run and play and be safe. We will be able to do dog-to-dog meet and greets safely in our RestPro sponsored Dog Yard! They are all so excited to have us share their space and it feels like the perfect blend of family and friends. I am excited for you all to experience what this amazing partnership has warranted for Pet Haven


Yesterday I walked the neighborhood we are in and met so many amazing people in the Frogtown/ Rondo area. Everyone was super excited to hear about Pet Haven, what we do, and our plans to help the community. This community is rich in history just like Pet Haven is and they are in need of support. Pet Haven goes where it is needed most and we have positioned ourselves in a neighborhood that needs us. Every Tuesday and Thursday there is a food bank for the people in the community who need some extra help just down the street from us. They frequently get requests for pet food and never have it.  I will be there next week passing out some of the dog food donations we received from Chuck and Dons last week. 34 Pallets!!! 


Yes, 34 pallets! Can you believe it? Just last month I was worried about pet food shortages and rising costs. The generosity of Chuck and Dons along with all the amazing donations we received and are still receiving from the puppy/kitten shower have softened that worry and will help our organization tremendously. We still desperately need kitten and puppy food but the support we are receiving is amazing! Thank you to all of you who shared our needs and contributed to our supplies drive!


There is a lot of good happening and the momentum is building and will continue to build. This is a very exciting time.

We are working hard at the New Pet Haven Facility to get it ready for “full swing” and I am so excited to share this success with all of you!  Unfortunately, some things are moving slower than I had hoped so we are not quite ready for a full reveal and we have had to delay the Volunteer Open Houe “Reveal” this month to Mid-June, I am very sorry about this but super excited to share with all of you what has been 70 years in the making. Hold tight and thank you so much for your patience. We just have a few more details to get done that are taking a bit longer than anticipated. A final secure date for the reveal will be announced soon in mid-June. Of course, anyone is welcome to stop by an open supplies time and see the work we have done thus far, but the “Volunteer Thank you” Reveal Celebration will be worth the wait!


There are many exciting things on the horizon for Pet Haven that having physical space is opening up for us. Having more visibility in the community, being able to support our volunteers and fosters better through in-person training, meet and greets, and support, being able to offer wellness clinics and “in-house” care for our pets and eventually the community. I look forward to sharing this will all of you and am excited about this new beginning!


Thank you for all you do and all you give to support the 70-year mission of Pet Haven!



To read more from our Volunteer Pawgress Report click HERE