Record Breaking Family Making! - August Adoptions to Celebrate! 11/13/2024 By Kerry S 122 cats and dogs found their families, and we are awe struck! It is so amazing to see our community and family grow. 122 adoptions means there are now 122 spots available to save more lives! Truly incredible!100 CATS:Coral, Violet, Miracle, Penguin, Puffin, Brian, Molasses, Mocha, Simon, Chai, Latte, Brielle, Bean, Frido, Asparagus, Butternut, Umbra, Boo, Randall, Stan, Everest, Denali, Ranier, Blake, Jim, Stewie, Sweet Pea, Evelyn, Billie Joe, Bow, Lazarus, Sunny, Mike, Sully, Aretha, Cocoa, Cricket, Cash, Inky Too, Bear, Panda, Sir Jasper, Banff, Kilimonjaro, Cody, Hazel, Cypress, Blanc, Myrtle, Howard, Claudia, Raven, George, Rosa, Floozie, Fetch, Liriel, Harrison Furred, Colby, Michael, Toby, Valentine, Bixby, Bailey, Topher, Tina, Travis. Georgie, Tiny, Casey, Chance, Baymax, Smokey, Tucker, Swifty, Pumpkin, Shere Khan, Mittens, Saffron, Marmalade, Juice, Pickles, Nutmeg, Reba, Nosey, Peanut, Reno, Rufus, Minnie, Mama Lambie, Clove, Dijon, Bridgette, Julius, Alvin, Theodore, Weezer, Peep, Jessie, and Nod22 DOGS:Alvin, Theodore, Simone, Casper, Duke, Gryffin, Wren, Athena, Boston, Tanker, Freckles, Lacy, CeCe, Jasper, Sig, Smokey, Nova, Moose, Lola, Sophie, Angel, and Rudy