She Who Brings Happiness - An Alumni Success!

She Who Brings Happiness - An Alumni Success!

I think it’s easy to take for granted the often rough lives our foster animals live before finding their forever homes. Sometimes we wonder and worry if these animals can ever get to the point of accepting a new family. But then a story like Chewie’s comes along to put everything into perspective, allowing us to appreciate and learn from our furry friends’ uncanny abilities to forgive, trust and ultimately find true happiness.

Chewie Bear, as she’s now called, was once “Bea,” is a dog rescued from a difficult situation up north. Like so many of Pet Haven’s rescues, her needs were more than her owners could provide for. She needed help. Luckily our rescue partner up north contacted Pet Haven for help and we arranged for transfer. Bea had some special needs and we knew because of generous donations to our Phoenix Fund, we could provide her that special care she needed, so her journey to join the Pet Haven family began.

She arrived dirty and matted from spending most of her life outdoors. She had a limp from a bad break in her front leg, likely from being hit by a car, and most of her teeth were broken with the roots exposed, doubtless from trying to chew her way out of a cage at some point in her life. Not to mention the emotional pain she must have been feeling, as she was incredibly anxious and scared. Her road to recovery was going to be difficult and costly, but every dollar was beyond worth it.

With help from our Phoenix Fund and our amazing veterinary partners, Bea had a successful amputation surgery and extensive dental work helping her to feel physically better.

Through our Foster Program, Bea’s found love, patience and time to heal. Bea’s foster spent countless hours grooming her matted fur, all the while helping her heal and recover not just from surgery, but also from emotional scars she was carrying. Slowly, with a lot of TLC, Bea was learning to trust again and getting ready for adoption and her forever family. We wondered who it would be….

Bea finally found her forever home with a wonderful woman and her son, They couldn’t be a happier family and we couldn't be happier for them! When Bea is not chasing chickens or looking for sticks in the yard, she’s either sitting by the porch surveying her new kingdom or following the boy when he goes off to school. Bea  also loves playing a light game of tug-of-war with one of her prized sticks and spending time relaxing on the sun porch.

She’s still learning how to adjust to her new life, and understandably so, but moments of love, care, and acceptance from her family are building her up each and every day, empowering her to move on from her past, trust those around her, and both find, and bring happiness every day...

 After all, the name Bea means “She who brings happiness.”

Written by: Colin Carpenter