Beating the Odds

Beating the Odds

There is always a cat or dog that you foster who tugs at your heart more than others do.

Does it remind you of one you had growing up?

Does it have an amazing personality?

Does it beat the odds?

Smokey came to Pet Haven as a kitten of about 12 weeks of age, having been hit by a vehicle and left for dead. He was rescued and his initial ER and clinic care was sponsored by a benefactor. Pet Haven agreed to take him to see if he could be rehabilitated.

He couldn't stand very well, he couldn't swallow unless soft food was placed back at the base of his tongue - he was quite a mess with an ulcer on an eye and some additional damage to his jaw. He was hand fed every couple hours, saw the opthamologist and had his eye lid sewn almost closed so we could medicate and thus his eye was saved - he gradually could blink again after many months. When his adult canines should have been in we found that one wasn't, and an incisor was missing too so it was off to a vet who loves dentistry. Teeth were found and removed from his nasal cavity during surgery, no easy task.

Smokey was a star at 2 of our Fall Benefit events as he waited for the right home and was in the style show and then this last year he was adopted with another Pet Haven kitten who was a great match for him. He loved other cats but not one that would intimidate him - Rosie was the girl.

These two kids beat the odds - abandoned, lost, unclaimed, adopted once and returned as too active (Rosie) and then to find the right owner together -

And, so, Smokey came to the Fall Benefit once again - to show off and so we could once again enjoy the story of another cat or dog who beat the odds and found the home they deserve.

Smokey says a grateful good-bye to cheering on the Vikings and plans to enjoy instead - trips to the cabin, naps on the bed, games of chase with Rosie, lap time with mom and dad. Retirement is great!

Thank you to everyone who has helped - you've donated, you've held a garage sale, you've made fliers, you've walked dogs, you loved and cared for those who are sometimes the hardest to love and care for - you are the ones who have made a difference in the life of a cat or dog.