Abby Hits The Jackpot!

Abby Hits The Jackpot!


For those of you who have followed Abby's story, you may know her original owner sadly passed away. We were contacted and immediately brought her into the Pet Haven Family providing a foster home that gave her plenty of love and space to heal. Abby quickly became an Ambassador for Pet Haven and brought joy to everyone she met. While we always knew her forever family would find her, it did seem to be taking longer than we thought for them to show up. Well, it was worth the wait! The perfect family found her. She has finally been adopted after 4 months in foster care! Her people hit the jackpot and so did she!

From her adopters:
"Abby is doing very well and settling in nicely.  We love her energy and cuteness.  She loves going for walks, and we walk all around the neighborhood. And she is so smart that we have gotten her a few different food puzzles (which she figures out super-quick), it's fun to watch her figure them out. Abby is SUCH a good girl. She listens, follows commands, and seems like she's smiling when she does it

We love that she came with a crate of stuff from her first caregivers, they clearly loved her and she was a key part of their lives.  I found a bag of bandannas and a Halloween tee shirt for her in the box. They were definitely our kind of dog people!

We love her and she's perfect for us, and she jumped on my lap and gave me a hug this morning so I think she's liking us too."

We are so incredibly excited for Abby and can't wait for more updates - she might even get back into agility at the spry age of 12! Happy tails, Abby!