Canela Gets a Warm Foster Home for the Holidays After 7 Years of Living Outside

Canela Gets a Warm Foster Home for the Holidays After 7 Years of Living Outside

Her shelter ID is A1110840. She also goes by "Canela."
She has not had an easy life.
Before her family brought her to the animal shelter, she lived outdoors every day for 7 years... and it shows. A boxer of 7 years should not have the age on her she does and there is a sadness in her eyes that is heartbreaking. We hope we can change this.
She's currently about 25-30lbs overweight.
Do you know what weighing 96lbs on a frame that's meant for 65/70lbs, does to a body's joints and organs? It does bad things. So she'll need to get on some daily preventatives to slow the process of arthritis that will likely hit her as a result of this neglect.
Despite all of the above, she's amazing. She has allowed pokes and prods from the shelter's vet staff. She has made dog friends in playgroups. She has enjoyed snuggles from shelter staff and volunteers who have tried to assure her that she's ok. We bet she misses the small humans that she spent years helping to raise, but we're going to do our best to find her some new & amazing ones.
Her foster home was so excited to welcome her and is ready to give her TLC for as long as it takes, but the extreme lack of care she received prior to the animal shelter is going to affect her health in the long term and her care will financially dribble down our funds, and her adoption fee won't offset much of those expenses, but we felt Canela was worth it and deserved a chance at knowing what home was and not spend her life outdoors.
Once in the care of Pet Haven Canela received a full diagnostic medical visit at VCA Feist. She has a dull coat and sores on her legs. She has a bunch of fatty tumors, including a suspicious one that will need to be removed and biopsied. We're praying it's benign.
Canela has begun the journey of healing and learning her new life. At Pet Haven, we help the ones that need us most and take risks when others may not. Her fosters said she is starting to show joy in her eyes and gets excited about walks. She knows when the dog coat goes on it's time to explore and she even did the happy dance!
We are so thrilled to have Canela be apart of the Pet Haven Family and get to know love, a gentle hand, and a warm soft bed for however long she has. Canela can rest easy now.
Welcome to Pet Haven Canela! You are loved!