A Dog Lost Finds Help, Hope, and Home

A Dog Lost Finds Help, Hope, and Home

This is the story of Fischer, a dog that could have easily slipped through the cracks and not had a chance. Thankfully due to the ripple effect of a few people who cared, Fischer is now living his best life full of love, warmth, and the security of a family. 


There was a post on Minnesota Dogs in Danger Facebook page.

Fischer was at a very small and underfunded rural shelter in Minnesota. He was found in early December living in a cemetery miles from any homes and people. For almost a month people tried to catch him. He eluded them due to the fear and mistrust of people he held. Because someone cared and wouldn't give up, he was finally caught on Christmas Eve and brought to a small rural shelter in Minnesota. If placement was not found quickly, Fischer would be euthanized on December 31st.

Bone thin, surviving on eating dirt and seeds, he was scared, unsure, and growling at shelter staff. Fischer was at risk of euthanasia due to the lack of resources this shelter had to work with his fear aggression and health needs.

Our Executive Director saw a post on Facebook to help him and felt a strong pull. Fischer deserved a chance at a better life. We did not know what his past had been but we knew he had been living at least a month or more alone in a cemetery making a nest out of a hollowed-out bottom of a tree. No life for a pup.

We said YES and brought Fischer into our Behavioral Rehabilitation Program. He learned to trust, he learned boundaries, confidence, and that people are good! He learned to play with other dogs and be a good dog citizen too!

This little love bug will never have to eat dirt again. He is such a joy and a big goof spreading smiles and laughter wherever he goes.

Welcome to rescue Fischer, welcome to Pet Haven, and welcome to your new life!

From Fischer's Adoptive Family:

Fisher filled a hole in our home that was left open after losing our last rescue pup to cancer in February. We've never not had a dog and it was too quiet and didn't feel right. Fisher joined us on April 1st and quickly won our hearts. He seems to appreciate us as much as we appreciate him. 
Due to how he was found (abandoned, malnutritioned & fending for himself outside in the middle of January near Fargo, ND), we weren't sure what to expect and how much we'd have to work with him. His foster mom said he has some separation anxiety but is largely doing well in most other areas. 
He QUICKLY warmed up to us, seemed to feel at home, and would melt into our laps at the slightest touch. He loves with all his body and heart and is the best snuggler! He's learning how to control his "happy hops" when he gets excited, but he's a good student and is eager to please. He's a great leash walker and loves his new neighborhood - although the squirrels like to torment him a bit. We are so excited to take him on the boat this summer and see how he likes swimming. He loves naps on his bed and playing with all of his new toys….or even napping with his toys. 😉
He's been such a joy and was exactly what our family needed. We hope he feels the same about us! 
Fisher's face says it all. HE knows he is safe. He knows he is loved.
The transformation that happens when a dog passes over that moment and knows "I'm home" is a powerful moment. We give dogs the time and chance to relearn trust and what love is, preparing them for their forever family.

From our Executive Director, Kerry D'Amato:

This poor boy was bone-thin eating dirt. When you see where he was living, in a hollow part of a tree, it just breaks your heart. People were trying to catch him for weeks. It was xmas eve when they finally got him. He was taken to a rural "municipal shelter" basically an unheated barn that held stray pets for 5 days and if no one claimed, they were euthanized. No resources. I saw a plea for help on MN Dogs in Danger FB page. I knew I had to help him. Emily, his foster saw the same post. We texted each other almost instantaneously. 
His story warms my heart. His story is why I work tirelessly to do what I do. The lives we save, the lives we change, uplift us all. I thank his adopters for being the end and beginning of his journey. My heart swells. I am joyous!
Thanks to our Pet Haven Community for seeing the value in supporting behavior rehabilitation to pups that need direction. This program requires public gifts to keep it going. We believe every pup deserves the chance to shine. We couldn't do what we do with you!
If you would like to support our mission of changing lives we would be incredibly grateful.

Give a Gift HERE to help other pups like Fischer.

Together we can change lives for the better! Together We Save!

Thank you for all you do to help us help more!