Happy Tails

Happy Tails

We love to hear how our recently adopted canine and feline friends are doing!


Here is a report on Sister, now named Adeline!


I just wanted to give you an update on Adeline.  She's been with us for about a month but it feels like we've always had her, she has definitely settled into the household.
I've transitioned her to another food and made the cat box off limits so she is eating well now, and has lots of energy.  We're starting obedience classes at Canine Coach on Sunday, so I'm excited about that but have already been working on some commands which she seems to like a lot.
Walking has been much easier now that Addy is more familiar with the neighborhood and the other dogs living here, we go to the dog parks and she LOVES running and playing with other dogs.  We took her up to Wisconsin a few weeks ago.  She was great on the long car ride and went crazy swimming in the lake and running around on the beach.  It's going to be a fun summer.
Again, thank you for taking care of her and I hope you and your family are doing well.


Happy new home, Addy!