MEOWZA!! What's So Great About Cats?

MEOWZA!! What's So Great About Cats?

At Pet Haven we have always know how amazing our feline friends are and that’s why we are so excited to see others figuring that out too! The month of September has proven to be one of our busiest cat adoption months ever, so we have renamed it “Catember”!

What’s so great about cats you ask? Well, I’ll tell ya!

  • A cat’s meow is used to communicate with humans not other cats. Adult cats only meow at humans. Kittens use vocalizations to communicate with their mothers, but adult cats don’t actually meow at each other. Some scientists claim that meowing was developed to communicates needs to humans; many cat parents probably agree. Cats do however yowl at other cats.
  • A cat’s purr can be healing. A cat purrs with a consistent pattern and frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz. Sound frequencies in this range have been shown to promote healing and even to help improve bone density. Purring may be a source of self-healing for cats that spend a large percentage of the day at rest.  The vibrations may also be beneficial to the health of a cat’s human companions including reducing high blood pressure.
  • Cats groom themselves over a third of the time they are awake. The continuous grooming has many health and evolutionary benefits. Grooming helps cats regulate temperature, stimulates blood flow, and provides protection against predators. What does this mean for you? A very clean companion!
  • Cats are capable of deep bonds with humans. According to new research cats bond just as securely to their humans as dogs do…. maybe even more so! This may not come as a surprise to those who live with a cat companion, but it suggests two important things. First that cats have been misrepresented and we have underestimated the depth of bond cats can form with their people. Second it shows that dogs do not have the monopoly on secure social bonding with Homo sapiens!

Watch out dogs…cats are on the rise! Even the London Underground thinks cats are tops! So join in the feline fun, check out our cat adoption page and adopt a best friend for life!