Peebles and Olga

Peebles and Olga

TWO of our furry friends not only found loving forever homes, they also walked away with a new title!

Pebbles, the cat, (now Pepper) spent two YEARS sitting in the shelter. She loves seeking out small spaces to hunker down in so it was a match made in heaven when an adopter applied who lives in a dorm. Her new mom filled out all the paperwork, crossed the t's and dotted the i's, and Pebbles is now officially an Emotional Support Animal!

Olga, the dog, came to a local shelter as a stray and one of our fosters just couldn't resist her smiling face. As luck would have it, Olga's new family also fought hard and jumped through all the hoops to up her game with her new Emotional Support Animal title. She is now the proud Pibble ambassador at her new digs and she's ready to smash those stereotypes to bits!

We have no doubt Pebbles and Olga will rock it as ESAs, but they could use a little work on their modeling skills!

Happy forever home, Pebbles and Olga!