Pet Haven Board President - Life With Izzy

Pet Haven Board President - Life With Izzy


Ten years ago this month, in July 2013, I adopted a dog from Pet Haven. She had been an "unwanted puppy living under someone's house," an abused and undersocialized, one-year-old shepherd mix. I liked dogs and sometimes took care of a friend’s dog.
I also knew very little about dogs.
I picked up my new dog from her foster home on a Friday night. By Saturday morning, I was making frantic calls. My new dog is broken! I asked her to sit and she ran off. She doesn’t know how to play. And she wants to be outside or under a table all the time.
I hired a dog trainer to teach me about dogs. I was flabbergasted to learn that I should play the name game all day long. How many dog cookies will I need???
I thought the “obedience” class was a place where a dog would magically learn to be obedient. Instead, I learned I’m supposed to practice commands with her at home.
I laugh now thinking about my first summer with Izzy, when she crashed my neighbor’s party because I decided to let her out in the unfenced front yard and I had to run after her in my ratty pajamas, when I took her to the Minnehaha off-leash park and brought a backpack of full of sticks, toys and water, and when she stole food from inside my mouth (yep).
It was a crash course in dog, thanks to my friends, classes, and the internet.
I’m so happy that Pet Haven now offers behavioral support for new adopters! It’s so important and can make a world of difference. I did (very briefly) considered returning Izzy. I was overwhelmed and unsure about my ability to take care of a dog.
Now, I can’t imagine my life without Izzy.
Written by Marta Barnett our New Board President as of June 2023. 
Marta has served as Pet Haven's Board President since June 2023. Her first experience with Pet Haven was in 2013 when she adopted Izzy (fka Josie), a shepherd mix from Red Lake Reservation. Marta attempted fostering in 2016, but she immediately "foster failed" when she met Daisy, a tripawd shepherd mix. In an attempt to redeem herself, she took Daisy through a therapy dog training, and they volunteered at Tubman for a couple of years till the pandemic shut everything down. Marta has volunteered for various organizations, including Common Ground Meditation Center, Friends of Lake Hiawatha, and BestPrep.
She has volunteered with Pet Haven in varied roles, including data entry and foster dog-walker. I care deeply about animals and animal welfare. Being on the board allows me to use my professional skills to serve an organization that is close to my heart. The president position will give me the opportunity to support the wonderful people serving on the Pet Haven board. Marta works at Ecolab in Regulatory Affairs and is an experienced IT professional with a strong background in business process management, organizational change, and project delivery.