A Long Way for a Second Chance

A Long Way for a Second Chance


A plea came in on our voicemail. A woman's voice, soft but firm, holding back the tears. Their best friend had died. She and her husband had made the trip to Arizona to help with his estate. Left behind were two dogs. A neighbor had agreed to take one of them but the other, Jake, had nowhere to go. Despite how adorable he was, Jake had some quirks or as some people say behavioral challenges so he was not wanted.

Due to their job, they lived mostly outside the US as much as they wanted him, their life was not conducive to having a pup so they started looking for options for Jake. As time went on the options became less and less. Not a single shelter or rescue in Arizona could take him. Being originally from Minnesota and going back in a few weeks they started calling rescues throughout the Twin Cities. Even though no rescue was returning their call, they decided to take a risk and drive Jake to Minnesota. They were hoping he perked up!

Networking with friends came up against dead ends. Shelters in Minnesota were not taking in animals due to COVID restrictions. Rescue organizations were not returning phone calls or if they did saying "no".

They became distraught over what would happen to Jake, an 8-year-old Aussie Pitbull Mix who had some behavioral challenges.

Pet Havan's Executive Director got the voicemail, heard the desperate plea, and immediately called back. She listened to the story. Jakes's owner had passed away on the property where he and his two dogs lived. Jake would not leave his side. Jake was stressed, depressed, and suffered from anxiety but otherwise a really good dog. He was guarding his home and the man he loved. The adjustments were difficult for him.


This is where the power of "YES" kicks in!

Hearing the story, our Director said YES, we will take him thus immediately giving relief to Jakes's advocates. Hanging up the phone she had no idea where he was going to go. Pet Haven does not operate a shelter and relies on in-home fostering where all our pets in need are treated like family. Jake was on his way and she had a week to find a placement. Believing something would come together the team got to work networking for a foster. One was found just hours before Jake's arrival.

Jake was nervous at first. His foster knew just what to do and she gave him the time and space to be the best he could be at his pace.

Jake blossomed and as a result and after 36 days in foster care Jake got his second chance at love!

Taking a leap to say yes and save a dog may not have a huge impact on the rescue world but Jake and his people's world has been impacted forever by the power of YES. He is now adopted into a home being cherished, loved, and working through his behavioral challenges with the grace, the support of Pet Haven, and his new family who love and adore him.